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Italo Balbo World Class Aviator Some of Balbo’s admirers would draw a comparison between him and Christofer Columbus who both would cross the Atlantic with courage and skill. Early in Balbo’s military career he considered himself to be fascist. October 1922 the fascist party with it’s leader Benito Mussolini organized a demonstration called the March on Rome. Balbo marched next to Mussolini during the parade. After the parade Balbo became the commanding general in the militia of Mussolini’s newly formed government. Balbo immediately maximized his new position by forming flying squadron of blackshirts. He founded a paper to sponsor a local aerial exhibit. In 1926 Mussolini appointed Balbo as undersecretary of Aeronauticathe Italian Air Force. This new position would allow Balbo to build a foundation for the mass flights.
The airplane in this stamp was used by Italo Balbo for his flights. The plane’s fuel tanks were placed in the landing pontoons with each pontoon contained one 400 gallon, two 100 gallon and one 40 gallon tank. The wingspread of the plane was 79 feet, weighing 12650 pounds. The front and rear engines powered by the 750 Asso engine. The plane identified as the SM55X with a top speed of 174 miles per hour and speed of 140 miles per hour.
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The airplane in this stamp was used by Italo Balbo for his flights. Please place the magnifier over the landing pontoons. Each pontoon contained one 400 gallon and two 100 gallon fuel tanks. The wingspread of the plane was 79 feet, weighing 12650 pounds. The front and rear engines powered by the 750 Asso engine. The plane identified as the SM55X with a top speed of 174 miles per hour with a cruising speed of 140 miles per hour
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These stamps of Italo Balbo's cruises not only commemorate the cruises but his ability to transform a pitiful Italian Air Force into a powerful air force fighting for the fascists in the Spanish Civil War. The effectiveness of the Italian Air Force during the civil war gained both the respect of General Franco and the top Nazis in Germany.
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In 1940 after Balbo's death, Adolf Hitler proclaimed in his (Secret Diaries 1941 -1944) The death of Balbo was great tragedy, there was a worthy successor of the Duce, a man who had ...something of the Renaissance in him! A man whose name alone was worth something! Balbo had the great advantage that he had equal influence with both party and and armed forces, and it is an ironic fate that he should have been shot down by Italian anti-aircraft guns.
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In 1938 Balbo was appointed by Mussolinito become governor general of Libya. Balbo wasted no time after his appointment to transform backward Libya into a productive Italian colony of North Africa. Balbo took a personal interest in projects such as the excavation of ancient ruins and historical sites. Italo Balbo promoted projects like the Tripoli Grand Prix auto race which captured the attention of high ranking Nazis. He united the separate administrations of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. instituted daily flights to Tripoli with biweekly flights linking Libya with Egypt and East Africa.
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The postcard depicts Italo Balbo and Charles Lindbergh sharing their common interest as aviators. During this time Baldo would have an excellent relationship with Herman Goring. One cannot feel there was a connection between all three aviators.
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Tribute from The British Royal Air Force: A tribute came from the British Royal Air Force the day after Balboa’s death,when a British plane flew over the Italian lines and dropped a box tied with tricolor ribbons of Italy. A message in the box read. The British Royal Air Force expresses its sympathy in the death of General Balboa,a great leader and gallant aviator, personally known to me and fate has placed on the other side it was signed by Arthur Langmore air officer commanding in chief British Royal Air Force middle east.
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Hitler’s Secret Conversations 1941-1944: The death of Balbo was a great tragedy; there was a worthy successor of the Duce, a man who had something of the Renaissance In him! A man whose name )alone was worth something! Balbo had the great advantage that had equal influence with both party and armed forces, as it is ironic fate that he should have been shot down by Italian anti-aircraft guns (Hitler’s Secret Conversations 1941-1944
The Mass Flights of Italo by Robert E Lana Fascist Eagle by Blaine Taylor $15.00 $25.00 Contact: [email protected]